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You’re About To Discover A Complete Training System For Building Functional Strength And A Lean, Toned Body…

If you answer YES to any of the below, you need this…

  • You’ve tried diets and fitness plans in the past and struggled to “stick with the program”
  • You value health and fitness as much as simply “looking good”
  • You want to make a positive change in your health, strength and mobility
  • You play a sport or do an activity that could benefit from better strength and agility
  • You’ve got some weight you could lose, and you want to do it the right way… and keep it off
  • You’re interested in body weight training, healthy eating and learning how to live a lean and agile life... for good
  • You want to have a good relationship with the food you eat and feel happy and confident in your own body

After talking to Bruce and sorting my terrible diet out I got to know everyone and it went really well and in my very first month I lost TEN POUNDS!

Dear Friend,

Have you ever tried a popular fitness plan or diet to lose weight or get into better shape? How did it go?

Did you achieve your goals?

Unfortunately, most people fail when it comes to health and fitness fads that promise easy weight loss, fast muscle-building, and looking better in (or out of) your clothes.

The Truth About Fad Diets…

The reason that most diets and fitness fads fail to “work” is because they focus on training for the wrong goal… They’re all about looking good or losing weight… not getting healthy and stronger.

Although looking better in the mirror can be a nice side-effect of training, it should never be your primary focus.

That’s what Inverness Boot Camp is all about.

It’s about building strength that you can use. With functional training, improved mobility and core strengthening you’re not trying to look strong or look thin… You are striving to BECOME truly strong and truly healthy…

…and sure, you will soon look better in the mirror, but that is NOT the main focus.

A Fitness Plan That Works...

Most people think a fitness plan involves eating small amounts of tasteless foods, going to the gym every single day, and investing in expensive exercise equipment and accessories…

…this is pretty much the “norm” for fad diets and people that are trying to appeal to the “mirror on the wall.”

But you don’t have to do any of that with Inverness Boot Camp…

I got tired of people thinking they needed to eat next to nothing and spend hours in the gym or pounding the streets, so I started Inverness Boot Camp to help people get fitter, stronger, leaner, healthier and more agile… the right way!

When I started to put these steps into practice the results blew me away. I’m not kidding! It was all to do with following a well laid out plan that anyone can follow – and I mean anyone.

Who am I??

My name is Bruce Dinsdale, and I am an Inverness Personal Trainer and weight loss coach.

For more years than I can remember my passion in life has been health and fitness.

After moving to Inverness in 2011 I qualified as a personal trainer and have been helping women and men get stronger, fitter and more mobile with my own brand of fitness training.

A combination of bodyweight strength and conditioning exercises, high and lower intensity training, stretching and strengthening the muscles, tendons and joints to achieve excellent levels of functional mobility. Core strength and stability plays a major role in all our training sessions, which are varied, challenging and fun.

Nutrition coaching is also provided. This is not just a count your calories and "fit your macros" approach, it is an education in eating the whole, natural, healthy foods your body requires. Eating enough to fuel your exercise and promote muscle growth while limiting the excess which leads to fat gain and ill health.

While Inverness Boot Camp is not a quick fix fat loss program, better body composition is a happy side effect of getting fitter and stronger and eating for health.

So what is Inverness Boot Camp and why is it better than any other fat loss solution?

I know what you’re thinking. . .”It sounds tough, I’ve never done a fitness and fat loss boot camp before. I’m really unfit and out of shape, will I be able to do it?"

Here’s the great news. . . YES YOU CAN!

Training with a small group of like minded, highly motivated individuals, each working to the best of their ability, but at THEIR OWN PACE ensures that nobody gets left behind and EVERYONE sees results. GUARANTEED!

So what makes Inverness Boot Camp better than your average gym membership or exercise class? We include ALL the ingredients for success:


Fed up of struggling to see results on your own? Let the Boot Camp family keep you accountable. Show up to all your sessions, do what needs doing and get results!

Encouragement and Motivation

There's nothing like training hard with a group of like-minded bodies to keep you motivated and encouraged by the transformation you see in yourself and others!


Proper nutrition is vital for any serious body transformation. Whether your goal is weight loss or more fitness focused, the Boot Camp meal planning guidelines will keep you well fed. But not overfed!

Firm Toned Muscles

If you want to look lean and toned with good muscle definition, strength training is a must. Boot Camp will get you stronger and building muscle from day 1!

Increased Metabolism

How do you increase your metabolism? Train hard, get stronger, build muscle, eat right, sleep well and keep that body moving. All this and more with Inverness Boot Camp!

Improved Mobility

A strong body is of little use with poor mobility. Get more flexible, improve your agility, learn to use the right muscles for the right job (fewer back pains) and feel amazing!

Fun and Effective

Group sessions are a fun way to meet new people, while getting fitter, stronger and more resilient. Highly effective workouts that barely feel like work!

Lifelong Healthy Habits

A training program or diet should never just be a means to an end. Learn how to to stay fit, strong and healthy, eat well and maintain a winning mindset for life so you don't go back to your old, destructive ways!

Results Guaranteed

Start to feel and see a difference in your very first week. If you don't feel leaner, fitter, more agile, better in your clothes, stronger and flatter round your core and belly after your first month then you can have your money back!

"It’s amazing how quickly you see the results..."

"If you had told me 5 months ago that I would be two stone lighter I would have laughed in disbelief but by attending boot camp and following the eating plan (optional) that’s exactly what I’ve achieved. Bruce ensures every workout is different so you never get bored and with each session he also ensures you get a full body workout. The main thing is that it’s fun as you quickly build up a rapport with Bruce and with the other class members. It’s amazing how quickly you see the results in both your body shape and your level of fitness. I’m obviously delighted with the results and have signed up for another 3 months as I want to build on my achievements so far and with the continual support of Bruce and my fellow class members I know I will achieve my goal."

- Kath Ross

"All I had to do was think positive, work hard and look for a goal..."

"Recently I looked in the mirror and decided that if I didn’t make an effort and brought some effort to my training regime I was never going to get any results. Luckily I found out about Inverness Boot Camp and I joined up. After talking to Bruce and sorting my terrible diet out I got to know everyone and it went really well and in my very first month I lost TEN POUNDS! 
I have just kept going and thanks to Bruce and the enthusiasm of everyone who goes to boot camp I have lost nearly two stone in total so far. All I had to do was think positive, work hard and look for a goal! Nothing like a little bit of positivity to help you through

- Brian Mackenzie

"I liked the camaraderie that built up over the four weeks..."

"I liked the camaraderie that built up over the four weeks, we seemed to benefit from encouraging each other – bit like group therapy! You can see the benefit in this short time – I’ve lost 1/2 stone and fit my clothes better, and I thought I was quite fit! Room for improvement for everyone."

- Alison Macdonald

What all will I get from Boot Camp?

When you sign up to our four week body transforming fitness boot camp you will receive:

  • 45 minutes of fun, efficient, calorie burning indoor exercise 3 - 5 times a week, including:
  • Fitness and exercise instruction
  • Resistance training
  • Functional training
  • Core training
  • Flexibility training
  • Exercise, nutrition and lifestyle advice
  • Weekly body measurements
  • “Fit ‘n’ Lean” nutritional program that includes cutting edge nutritional advice, healthy eating plans, recipes and fat loss tips
  • Food diary
  • Additional home training plans
  • Access to our private members only Belly Blast page on Facebook
  • Full email and telephone support

"I even seem to look forward to getting out of bed at 5am"

"Boot Camp is exactly what I needed. After 8 weeks it has become part of my life. I feel fitter, slimmer and lighter, physically and mentally. The diet isn’t really a diet, it’s just a different way of eating which has become the norm. 
I even seem to look forward to getting out of bed at 5am, and have started to do exercise on my days off too. 
Thank you Bruce!"

- Sophie Hogg

"very happy with my Boot Camp experience."

"Having not done anything in the way of fitness for many years!! I didn’t set myself any unrealistic goals, I just wanted to improve my overall fitness. I feel I have done that and lost a few pounds as well so I’m very happy with my Boot Camp experience."

- Sandra C.

"Highly recommended exercise program..."

"Boot Camp previously for me was for the fit and super fit – never something I thought I could achieve. Over the past four weeks I feel very much better for it. It was hard work but enjoyable, and looking at the results already have a great feeling of well being, together with a fitter, cleaner and leaner body with loads more energy. On the nutritional side, it’s alarming when you stop and analyse what manufacturers are doing to our food and so called calling it “healthy”. For me the whole experience of Boot Camp was amazing, what I was looking for for various reasons. Enjoyable exercises, good healthy food and lifestyle explained and monitored. Highly recommended exercise program if you take your health and fitness seriously"

- Rose J.

Finally, see all the benefits of Inverness Boot Camp:

  • No more starvation diets or counting calories
  • Burn 6 hours worth of calories in less than 1 hour
  • Enjoy the increased motivation and accountability of working in a group with others just like you
  •  Feel fitter, healthier, more flexible, energetic and alive!
  • Greatly improved endurance levels – no more “out of breath” moments
  • Stronger and slimmer physique
  • No more long, boring cardio sessions

Move to Improve with highly effective mobility classes

As a Boot Camp member it's recommended you attend morning or evening sessions on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. You have the option of alternatively/additionally adding other days to ensure you get in a minimum of three sessions a week for best results.

We also have our mobility class, Move to Improve, on Thursday (morning and evening as usual) and Sunday morning at 9.00am. This is included in your Boot Camp membership and is a great way to accelerate your results through better movement, flexibility and body control.

When and where is it?

All Boot Camp sessions are live online

Session times:

Monday to Friday: 6.00 am and 6.15 pm

Saturday: 8.30 am

Sunday: 9.00 am


Inverness Boot Camp is an ongoing program so for your convenience you can now join any time in 4 week blocks. Your Boot Camp plan will be for a minimum of 4 weeks in order for you to be sure of seeing results, then continue from that date until your pre-booked time has expired. If you wish to stay with us to achieve greater results then simply book up again. This is always subject to availability as places are limited so be sure to reserve your place early.

So How Much Is It and How Do I Get Started?

If you were to hire me as a personal trainer on a one to one basis 3 times a week for four weeks it would cost you over £300.

The good news is, you get unlimited training sessions, the same nutritional program my personal training clients get, full email and phone support and my GET RESULTS OR YOUR MONEY BACK GUARANTEE for just £89.

The bad news is this price WILL be going up soon after an initial trial period.

Please click on the button below. This will take you to your Boot Camp registration options.

I look forward to seeing you in Boot Camp!!

Join Boot Camp Today!

Click below to get full details of the Inverness Boot Camp program and get started on your own body transformation!

30 Day No Questions Asked Money-Back Guarantee

No matter what you have tried before I will personally GUARANTEE that you will see results in your first month or sooner if you follow my Fit ‘n’ Lean nutritional guidelines and attend all of the sessions in your first Boot Camp.

I will GUARANTEE you will have more energy, lose inches, get rid of stubborn ugly body fat, be stronger, fitter, more flexible and feel absolutely fantastic after just 4 weeks.

"I’m so confident that you will enjoy our Inverness Boot Camp that I’m offering a full money back guarantee. If you don’t see ANY results after following the “Fit ‘n’ Lean” nutritional guidelines 100% AND attending at least 12 Boot Camp sessions I will refund every penny. . . no hassle and no hard feelings."


Join Boot Camp Today!

Click below to get full details of the Inverness Boot Camp program and get started on your own body transformation!


Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

What is Boot Camp?

What should I expect to achieve?

Will Boot Camp be too hard for me?

Are we training outside?

What about "pay as you go"?

Can I come to a Saturday session?

What do I need to bring?

Copyright 2023 - Inverness Fitness - All Rights Reserved
